Northern Michigan
Physical Therapy Blog

About Neck & Shoulder Pain

by | Aug 11, 2021

Northern Michigan physical therapy that takes a global, big picture approach to treating the shoulder and getting you back on course!

The shoulder is one of the most common areas of the body we treat. One that involves looking at more than “just the shoulder.”

Whether it is reaching, lifting, pushing, or pulling, there are several joints contributing to the motion, and many muscles involved. The shoulder blade, ribcage, and spine are all integrated and dependent on each other whenever we use our shoulder. For this reason, we take a global, big picture approach when treating the shoulder.

Treating the Shoulder

Most treatment strategies and exercises fall short with the shoulder because they fail to take a big picture perspective. When you come into Pursuit Physical Therapy to see us for your shoulder pain, we will not only focus on the shoulder, but we will expand treatment to the surrounding areas above and below in order to focus on finding the cause for your shoulder irritation. We will assess the motion in your spine, your shoulder blade, and your hips. Research shows that each one of these regions can play an enormous role in keeping the shoulder healthy, when they are moving appropriately. When they are not moving well, long term solutions can be difficult to achieve.

You do not have to put up with that pesky and painful shoulder. More often than not it’s due to a muscle imbalance in the surrounding area. Once it is addressed you will have a happy shoulder.

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